Recovering from Chemical Dependency
Chemical dependency involves both psychological and physical dependence. It can affect every part of your life, from work to school to personal relationships. If you need help, we’re here to provide the treatments and support you need to get to recovery.
While alcohol is the most commonly abused drug, other addictive substances include:
- Anabolic steroids
- Cocaine
- Hallucinogens
- Inhalants
- Marijuana
- Methamphetamine
- Opioids
- Prescription drugs, such as pain pills, stimulants or anxiety pills
- Tobacco
How is Chemical Dependency Treated?
Addiction treatment is personalized to the patient. Your treatment path will depend on several factors, including:
- Age
- Overall health
- Severity of dependency
- How well you handle certain procedures, medicines and therapies
People with chemical dependency can’t simply quit. Addiction can cause changes in brain chemistry. Treatments are complex and may involve:
- Behavioral therapy
- Counseling for you and your family
- Detoxification
- Long-term medical support to address physical effects
- Medications that help relieve withdrawal symptoms, lessen cravings and restore brain function
Finding treatment for chemical dependency is not easy. At Sanford Health, we want to help you.
Our Addiction Services
Sanford Health’s licensed alcohol and drug counselors will guide you from addiction to recovery in a supportive environment.
You and your doctor will craft a treatment plan tailored to you. We’ll work according to your specific needs. Your treatments may include finding social support networks and learning coping skills.
Most insurance companies cover addiction evaluation and treatment.
Find a Chemical Dependency Specialist
Our chemical dependency specialists want to help you feel like yourself again. Search to find a specialist near you.
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Classes & Events
Birthing with Confidence
Sat 09/14/24 9:30 AM - Sat 09/14/24 3:00 PM
Online class -
Post-Natal Yoga
Sun 09/15/24 1:30 PM - Sun 09/15/24 2:30 PM
Sanford Family Wellness Center