Sanford Imagenetics

Sanford Imagenetics

We recognize the impact genetics has on diagnosing and treating certain health conditions. Thanks to the generosity of Denny Sanford, Sanford Imagenetics integrates genetic medicine into everyday primary care.

First, your Sanford team evaluates your family history and helps identify which genetic screening or test is the right fit for you.

Then your genetic information helps our physicians design treatments and preventive care based on your unique needs.

The Sanford Imagenetics building in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, opened in 2017. It is home to the Sanford Genetics Laboratory, Imagenetics community lectures and the administrative office for the Imagenetics initiative.

The following specialties and services are available in our building:

Learn more about the Sanford Imagenetics initiative.

Sanford Imagenetics Doctors

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